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Title:  Sad, Lonely Seeking Companionship
Description:  Hi, I'm a 13' x14' piece of property born, sadly, with poor genetics ( clay based soil, poor irrigation, limited sun. and my only friends are a few blades of grass that survive). I share my area with a gated community mailbox so I stare into "prison bars" . I carry a huge responsibility as the only yard space my parents have. They rely on me to be the welcoming committee as I am the first thing people see as they walk up to the front door. I deserve to be pretty, spoiled and made beautiful. Help me have some lovely friends planted. We can be a lovely little nature garden. Please help me realize my dream of being a "Pampered Princess". My friends at Cedar Rim are well trained and will do a fabulous make over. Please Vote for ME!!!
Public Name:  Unity
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